venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Acer cappadocicum var. sinicum

Acer cappadocicum is one very hard species for hot usda zone ,clay soil very well tollerate ,no problem with hot wind o general dry problem is with caterpillar (and butterfly ) Cossus cossus when trunk is young my advice is cechk every day if there is one small hole with sap  that comes out.use one iron wire for killed the caterpillar and close the hole

giovedì 18 dicembre 2014

Acer palmatum Ryusen (Ryu sei)

this japanese maple is also know like millenium green for  second millenium (AD 2000) is medium size in my garden  ,is uprigth ,weeping mound,expo full sun ,(leaves burned a little)
photo date dicember 2014

domenica 14 dicembre 2014

Acer pauciflorum

small elegant maple, slow growing ,expo in my  garden full sun ,one my preferite maple (fall 2014)

sabato 13 dicembre 2014

The Maple Society

two important link for maples world ,many international experct write in this forum ,the gallery pics is one best complete gallery in the web

become a member!!! :-)

mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

Acer shirasawanum Sensu (fall 2014)

very slow growng in my garden ,only few cm/year.expo full sun this maple have medium resistence to clay soil and general dry conditions

febbbraio 25-Per Una Nuova Europa ,questo è il momento giusto

  A primavera ricicciano i liquidatori di popoli e delle economie-infatti ecco Draghi che gli Italiani popolo di grande coscien...